Material > Non included materials

Results: 8

How to deal with packaging composed of 50% plastic and 50% non-packaging material (e.g., rubber, latex,…)?

Given the same material composition of a packaging, the principle that is applied is to check on a case-by-case basis, whether one of the materials that make up the packaging ...
Last modified on 04/10/2023

How to identify packaging coupled with wax, and where should it be delivered?

If the packaging is made with one of the packaging materials (steel, aluminum, paper, wood, plastic, glass), coupled or treated with another material, other than packaging, such as wax, it ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021

In the case of paper with waxes or paraffins in quantities greater than 5%?

If the packaging is made with one of the packaging materials (steel, aluminum, paper, wood, plastic, glass), coupled or treated with another material, other than packaging (e.g. glues, adhesives, inks), ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021

In the case of cheeses with a wax coating and tied with a polypropylene rope, what must be included in the environmental label?

The wax coatings of cheeses are not packaging, therefore they are not subject to the obligation of labeling. The polypropylene rope, on the other hand, is a packaging therefore it ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021

What is the coding of a flat cardboard shoe box, wrapped with a sheet of paper printed with ink?

If the paper used to wrap the box can be separated manually, or if it is designed to be separated by the user, without risk to his health and safety, ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021

How should a package printed with UV inks be delivered?

In the case of packaging made with one of the packaging materials (steel, aluminum, paper, wood, plastic, glass), coupled or treated with another material, other than packaging (e.g. glues, adhesives, ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021

How should glues, adhesives and inks be treated?

If packaging is made up of one packaging material (steel, aluminium, paper, wood, plastic, glass), laminated or processed with a material other than the packaging material (e.g. glue, adhesive, ink), ...
Last modified on 21/11/2021

How do you identify a ceramic or mainly ceramic packaging?

Ceramic is not one of the packaging materials listed in Decision 129/97 / EC, therefore there are no identification codes for packaging made of this material. ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021