Do the plastic corners, which are always inside additional packaging, have to bear the label directly on the corner?

Pursuant to the legislative decree of 3 September 2020, all packaging (primary, secondary and tertiary) released for consumption in Italy is subject to the obligation of labeling.

If the packaging system includes components that can be manually separated from the main body, each of these must necessarily carry the alphanumeric code as per Decision 129/97 / EC and the indications on collection (if the pack is intended for the final consumer).

The environmental labeling (at least the alphanumeric coding as per Decision 129/97 / EC) of the different manually separable components that make up the sales unit, should be affixed to each component.

When this is not possible, it can be affixed either to the main body of the packaging system, or to the label or other component that makes the information easily visible to the final consumer.

Furthermore, in the clarification note sent by the Ministry of Ecological Transition on May 17, 2021, it is made clear that for neutral packaging in general, with particular reference to transport packaging and / or possible semi-finished products , given the critical issues encountered by operators, both economically and structurally, in meeting this obligation, it is necessary to consider a possible alternative to the traditional labeling to be affixed to the packaging itself. Therefore, for these packaging, which are mostly part of the B2B channel, the identification of the packaging material can be conveyed and communicated by the manufacturer on the transport documents accompanying the goods, or on other external media, including digital ones.

Last modified on 19/11/2021

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