Mode > Body and components of an item
Results: 46
Is it correct to say that the corks of wine bottles are not manually separable components while those of sparkling wine are?
No. The corks of wine and sparkling wine bottles are both considered to be manually separable since they must necessarily be separated by the user to consume the product and ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021
In the case of a packaging system that includes a cardboard box that contains an additional packaging in contact with the product, can the environmental labeling be affixed only to the box?
Pursuant to the legislative decree of 3 September 2020, all packaging (primary, secondary and tertiary) released for consumption in Italy is subject to the obligation of labeling.
If the packaging ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021
Is a mechanical cap considered to be manually separable?
A mechanical cap is considered to be manually separable if it is designed to be separated by the user, without risk to his health and safety, from the main body ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021
Is it mandatory to put the information on the label, or can it be shown on other components of the packaging?
The environmental labels (at least the alphanumeric coding as per Decision 129/97/EC) of the different manually separable components that make up the sales unit should be affixed to each component. ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021
The stopper of a glass jar has a mastic, can it be considered manually separable?
The mastic of a cork is considered to be manually separable if it is designed to be separated by the user, without risk to his health and safety, from the ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021
Does the 5% by weight rule apply to manually separable components?
For the purpose of identifying the packaging material, the codes under Annex VII to Decision 129/97 are only affixed on composite packaging when the secondary packaging material exceeds 5% of ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021
Should an HDPE plastic bottle have further indications on the label / screen printing as well or is it sufficient that the mandatory information on the bottle is present?
The environmental labeling can be affixed / printed / imprinted directly on the packaging, or on a support, such as the label, if it is provided in the packaging system. ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021
Do the plastic corners, which are always inside additional packaging, have to bear the label directly on the corner?
Pursuant to the legislative decree of 3 September 2020, all packaging (primary, secondary and tertiary) released for consumption in Italy is subject to the obligation of labeling.
If the packaging ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021
Individually packaged products supplied to the B2B channel in secondary packaging such as cardboard boxes: is it necessary to individually label each primary packaging, or is it sufficient to affix an external label on the box bearing the identification codes of the primary and secondary packaging?
If the final user of the primary packaging is not the final consumer
It is always preferable to affix the label to each primary packaging. When this is not possible, ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021
Tinplate cans with label and transparent shrink wrap: where is environmental information indicated? Should they all be inserted on the paper label or on each individual component?
The environmental labels (at least the alphanumeric coding as per Decision 129/97 / EC) of the different manually separable components that make up the sales unit should be affixed to ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021