Who, what and when > B2C packaging

Results: 37

Does “consumer to be empowered” generally mean an individual who purchases a good or service from a seller?

No, according to Directive 2005/29/EC, “consumer” means “a person who, in the commercial practices covered by the Directive, is acting for purposes outside his or her trade, business, craft or ...
Last modified on 10/01/2025

Can Directive 2024/825/EU also impact medical devices and over-the-counter drugs? Are there any specific examples?

Directive 2005/29/EC (as amended by Directive 2024/825/EU) is a lex generalis and serves as a “safety net” to protect consumers from any misleading commercial practices. It also applies in principle ...
Last modified on 10/01/2025

Example of a green claim related to a reduction in CO2eq emissions.

Ice cream packaging carries the synthetic claim “-26%CO2eqemissions” without any other specification. Such a claim could be misleading because it does not specify whether the reduction in environmental impact refers ...
Last modified on 10/01/2025

On the label, is it possible to state the presence of recycled plastic as a claim? Do I necessarily have to state the component made of recycled plastic, e.g., “bottle with recycled plastic body, cap and label made of virgin plastic”? In particular, if it is a bottle, should I specify in the claim that the component made from recycled plastic is only the body?

Yes, the claim on recycled material content should always be specified and qualified (indicating which object the claim refers to e.g., product, component, packaging, packaging component) and the percentage of ...
Last modified on 10/01/2025

Examples of correct product green claims

Claims that leverage certifications of excellence (only in this case, generic claims such as green/ecological/low environmental impact can be used…): The bath products we provide to our customers are environmentally ...
Last modified on 10/01/2025

Examples of claims on recyclability and compostability of packaging and/or products.

One store uses the following claim on the wall: “Garments made entirely of organic cotton.” Care must be taken to ensure that it is clearly interpretable exactly which garments are ...
Last modified on 10/01/2025

Does Directive 2024/825/EU apply to B2B practices?

No, Directive 2024/825/EU amending Directive 2005/29/EC applies to business-to-consumer commercial practices (B2C practices). However, it is safe to assume that in the case of business-to-business disputes, the general principles and ...
Last modified on 09/01/2025