Who, what and when > Green claims
Results: 47
For recyclability claims, can the inclusion of a package in CONAI contribution bands (e.g., Plastic Packaging Contribution Band) that classify it as “recyclable” be used as documentary evidence?
Currently, at the national level, there are no recyclability tests for plastic packaging, we only have that for paper packaging ( Aticelca® test). Therefore, self-declarations under ISO 14021 can be ...
Last modified on 10/01/2025
What evidence/demonstration is needed to be able to assert in a package that “environmental impact has been reduced”?
Where a claim is made regarding the reduction of environmental impacts/environmental footprint of the product or organization, as scientific evidence it is necessary to have conducted an LCA study, according ...
Last modified on 10/01/2025
What is the definition of sustainability label?
According to the definitions added to Directive 2005/29/EC as a result of the amendments provided for in Directive 2024/825/EU: “Sustainability label” refers toany public or private trust mark, quality mark ...
Last modified on 10/01/2025
What is the definition of “Generic environmental claim”?
According to the definitions added to Directive 2005/29/EC as a result of the amendments provided by Directive 2024/825/EU: “Generic environmental claim” refers to any environmental claim made in writing or ...
Last modified on 10/01/2025
What is the definition of “green claim” (environmental assertion)?
According to definitions added to Directive 2005/29/EC as a result of amendments under Directive 2024/825/EU: in the context of a commercial communication, “green claim” refers to any message or representation ...
Last modified on 10/01/2025
Is it prohibited to make environmental assertions based on offsetting greenhouse gas emissions? How can I communicate a carbon credit project of mine?
It is particularly important to prohibit claims based on offsetting greenhouse gas emissions that claim that a product, whether a good or service, has a neutral, reduced, or positive impact ...
Last modified on 10/01/2025
Are there “simplified procedures” or exclusions for microenterprises wishing to use green claims?
Directive 2024/825/EU amending Directive 2005/29/EC on Unfair Commercial Practices applies indiscriminately to all communication practices between businesses (of any size) and consumers by providing measures and prohibitions not to mislead ...
Last modified on 10/01/2025
If the word “organic” is part of the brand’s name, what obligations does the current legislation stipulate?
Brand names also fall under the scope of the new Directive 2024/825/EU. If such names invoke environmental issues, one must be able to prove their veracity as with any other ...
Last modified on 10/01/2025
What are the prohibited words and phrases according to Directive 2024/825/EU?
Prohibitions regarding green claims are introduced by Directive 2024/825/EU in Annex I of Directive 29/2005. This annex represents the black list of practices that are always prohibited.
For example, the ...
Last modified on 10/01/2025
What is the importance and difference of using or not using a certification (e.g., ISCC) to protect the company from greenwashing?
In general, using independent third-party certification lends more credibility to communication. Relying on public, transparent and verifiable requirements also strengthens the company’s position in demonstrating that it is not greenwashing. ...
Last modified on 10/01/2025